After Douglas’ death his mother Emily and his widow Frances started raising money to buy a spitfire for the R.A.F. They both worked energetically towards their target and with help of the citizens of North Derbyshire and South Yorkshire, who organised a variety of fund raising events such as dances, concerts, jumble sales and house to house collections, also collections in public houses, theatres,and cinemas. And from the Sheffied A.R.P who gathered donations from all thier local posts. After 15 weeks of hard work, Emily and Frances found that they had achieved their target of 5,700 pounds.
Spitfire W3649 was selected for the family, and the name SHEPLEY was placed on the panel below the cockpit. Spitfire W3649 was a mk Vb and was issued to 602 squadron on the 16th August 1941, just over a year after the death of Douglas. W3649 also served with 303 (Polish) squadron before ending up with 485 (New Zealand) squadron, and became the personal aircraft of Group Captain Victor Beamish, D.S.O, D.F.C, and carried the code FV-B. He was reported missing on the 28th March 1942 over the channel.